Course Description This course is for everyone who wants to learn more than the basics of iOS development. After doing this course you will have immersive knowledge about professional iOS development and advanced programming techniques. Course Duration: 2 Months Classes: 5 Days In a Week Timing: Morning / Evening Introduction to iOS Development Why we required iOS development…
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Course Description Learn the skills to develop an advanced level Android mobile application and discover the tools you can use, including Android Studio, and take the first step on your journey to becoming an Android developer! Course Duration: 3 Months Classes: 5 Days In a Week Timing: Morning / Evening Introduction To Mobile Apps I. Why we Need…
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Course Description This course introduces the students to the environment of general ledger software using Peachtree accounting for windows. Course Duration: 2 Months Classes: 5 Days In a Week Timing: Morning / Evening Accounting with Peachtree Lesson 1: Getting Started Lesson 2: Setting Up a Company Lesson 3: Entering Transactions for a Cash Business Lesson 4: Accounts Receivable…
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Course Description NET is a general purpose development platform. The goal of this ASP.NET training course is to teach students how to create a simple Active Server Page ASP.NET application that delivers dynamic content to the Web. Course Duration: 2 Months Classes: 5 Days In a Week Timing: Morning / Evening Course Outline Module 1: Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET…
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Course Description This Python training course leads the students from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and using the extensive functionality of Python modules. Extra emphasis is placed on features unique to Python, such as tuples, array slices, and…
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Course Description This course teaches students how to develop Java applications. Topics covered include the Java programming language syntax, OO programming using Java, exception handling, file input/output, threads, collection classes, and networking. Students will develop and test Java applications (typically) using Eclipse. This course is a pre-requisite to all Application Server courses, and specialties Java…
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